Pension Fact Sheets
Issued on behalf of British Age Pensioner
Alliance, these Fact Sheets support the 20 year
story of the fight for
PARITY by 540,500 UK State Pensioners. Why should they be deprived of
annual indexation of their pensions because they live in certain countries
while another 565,000,living in other countries, are not ? |
Pension Anomaly
The following figures are based on numbers obtained
from the Westminster Government under Freedom of Information.
Fact: There are about 12,163,500 British State
Fact: Of that number 95.68% (11,638,000) have their
pensions indexed annually.
But just 4.32% (525,500) have their pensions locked in at the
rate first paid, either when they emigrated to the British Commonwealth or a number of other disadvantaged
countries or. having emigrated to such countries before pensionable age, as
soon as they become entitled. That is, they have their State pensions frozen.
Fact: However 4.43% (538,500), who also emigrated, but to Europe, the USA or a
number of other favoured countries, have their pensions indexed annually,
just as if they had stayed in Britain.
Fact: This situation is perpetuated by means of the annual rubber
stamping of a regulation in the Westminster Parliament. No change in
the law would be required to rectify it, just a simple vote in Parliament to
rescind that regulation. The removal of this pension anomaly
would cost less than 1% of annual expenditure on the basic pension.
Fact: The State Pension is paid in accordance
with the number of mandatory contributions to the National Insurance Fund made by British Workers between the age of 16 and
Fact: The National Insurance fund consists of the balance, over and above the cost of paying the State Pension.
Currently the National Insurance Fund balance stands at over 45 Billion
Pounds and is increasing at the rate of about 9 Billion Pounds a year.