Issued on behalf of British Age Pensioner
Alliance, these Fact Sheets support the 20 year
story of the fight for
PARITY by 540,500 UK State Pensioners. Why should they be deprived of
annual indexation of their pensions because they live in certain countries
while another 565,000,living in other countries, are not ? |
War veterans
Fact: On Remembrance Day on 11
November each year tribute is paid to the many service personnel who gave
their lives for Britain.
Fact: These servicemen who gave their lives came from various parts of
Britain and from countries such as Australia and Canada.
Fact: Many survivors and relatives worked in the UK, paying contributions
into the National Insurance Scheme.
Fact: Some of these people made a decision to emigrate, many to join their
families overseas.
Fact: Most of these people would not have been aware that in leaving
the UK the Government would not uprate their state pensions each year.
Fact: They would not have been aware that if they migrated to the USA or
Israel they would receive increases but if to Australia or Canada they would
Solution: The payment of state pension uprating should be standardised
regardless of country of residence of the former N.I. Contributor. |