News from South Africa |
Extracts from the South African Alliance of British Pensioners
July 2002
Secretary: Eric Byrom email
Fax 011 795 3324 (Tom Grist)
I am very pleased to tell you the official Appeal papers, including our
‘skeleton arguments’, were lodged in Court in London on Thursday 20 June. The
DWP’s skeleton arguments were due to be lodged before Friday 12 July 2002.
We do not have any dates for the hearing yet, but we understand it will be late
in December 2002 or early in 2003, dependant on availability of all parties and
the Court’s schedule. The legal team’s view is that there are ample grounds for
appeal but there can be no guarantees of the outcome.
I believe members of SAABP and the committee have achieved wonders, and it
is a source of amazement to the DWP counsel and many others involved in the
court case that – to paraphrase one, who many regarded as the greatest
Englishman – “so much has been achieved for so many by so few”. We hope one of
his other famous quotes will also apply very soon – ‘men will still say “this
was their finest hour”’.
While speaking of contributions, I must mention those of ₤14,000 made by our
Western Canadian partners BPAWC, and ₤35,000 (on 01 February 2002) by the
Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners (CABP). These amounts are made up of
their members contributions, collected over time, and our grateful thanks go to
all those members and supporters of the 2 Alliances. We trust and hope that they
will continue with their membership drive and fundraising for our joint cause.
We also received a contribution of ₤700 from the British Pensioners Association
New Zealand (BPA NZ [INC}), which has a very small membership. Thank you New
In mid July the BAPA made a contribution of Aus$10,000, thanks to OZ, and I wish
them well with their newly launched membership drive.
It was a disappointment to learn they have less than 2000 members out of a UK
pensioner ‘population’ of some 220,000. I hope they have the same success,
proportionately, as we have had recently here in South Africa. (26.7% of 220 000
is 53,400 members!!)
We are still a long way from the financial comfort level. Having said that I am
pleased to tell you that, apart from the most recently incurred costs, which are
not too heavy, we are up to date with our own commitments. However the ‘bank
balance’ is very low, and of course we have the ‘bouncing’ exchange rate to
contend with!!
There has been strong rumour in the International press that the Canadian
Government has ‘come to the party’ and made a significant monetary contribution.
All that I can say (am at liberty to say) is that through the untiring efforts
of our solicitor and team leader Graham Chrystie, he has managed to secure a
promise of sponsorship; this being equal to the joint contributions of the two
Canadian Alliances and which will be paid through those Alliances on a pro rata
basis to their contributions so far. However the money is not yet in our Trust
account in London.
My very best personal wishes and warm regards.
Charles W Poole
Honorary President: SAABP